The future? |
In the last few months, flying has had to take a bit of a back-seat. I'm trying to get fit and run a half marathon (see my other blog HERE) and I've just been a bit too short of cash for most of March and April.
I'm still current though, and I managed to get up on a windy (but otherwise lovely!) May Sunday afternoon. It was just a quick zip around the local area with some general handling, PFL's and Nav work, followed by quite a tidy landing (if I do say so myself!) back at EGBJ...a sort of mini-skills test if you like...just to make sure I keep my eye in.
That's not to say that nothing has been going on though. This Friday I head to NATS corporate HQ for the opening round of tests to see whether they'll have me as a trainee ATCO. I'm very nervous, and desperately swotting up on information about NATS, practicing speed/distance/time calculations and trying to find representative practice tests for the spacial awareness tests...I'll report back how it goes. Wish me luck.