Tuesday, 3 August 2010

My First Post - Welcome!

So I've started the obligatory flying blog...

Hello! My name is Tim and I've recently obtained my Private Pilots License. Impressive huh? Well, actually no, not really.

The old fashioned idea that a lot of people have about pilots is that they're all jet-setting, epaulette weilding playboys who can jet off to St. Tropez at a moments notice when the tax man gets a bit close to their stash. It would be nice if that was true (and sometimes I like to pretend!), but the reality is that almost anyone can become a private pilot. Sure, to do a PPL takes some intelligence, a fair bit of commitment and a decent sized chunk of disposable income, but it's not so complex or expensive that the average man on the street can't do it. As so many pilots will tell you, it's just a question of priorities.

My father tried for a PPL in the early 90's, but unfortunately ran out of time and budget before the end, and I've been hooked on aeroplanes ever since. The RAF was my dream when I was at school, compounded by annual visits to RIAT Fairford, and a weeks work experience with Delta Jets at Kemble, but for one reason or another it never really got beyond a dream, and I ended up at university doing an engineering degree. Then, in 2009, with a decent degree and a steady job, I had the realisation that if I sold my car (my other great passion) I would have enough cash in the bank to pay for a PPL course. Once I get ideas, I tend to move fast, and 3 days later I was on the phone to a local flying club arranging a trial lesson.

The rest, as they say, is history. So many milestones flew by in the 9 months that it took me to obtain my license...trial lesson, first solo, first solo nav-ex, QXC, skills test and all the exams in between, but there are plenty of student blogs out there if you want to read about that.

So here we are, and back to my original comment that simply holding a PPL isn't that impressive. The basic license means that you're certified safe, but it doesn't make you a Sky-God...air time and experience is the key to becoming a good pilot, and that's what this blog is going to be about. From a selfish point of view, I'll be writing my experiences so that they sink in and help me improve, but I hope anybody who reads this will be encouraged to try for themselves, and maybe one or two more pilots will be born!

All the best.

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